Marc and Michelle are an expat family who actually felt happy to live abroad. It was a unique opportunity for them and their children to learn and grow. They were of course aware that life as an expat couple would have its stresses. And that became reality: Marc is working extra hours, Michelle does everything she possibly can to create a new home for the family. The children have some troubles adjusting to the new situation and need tons of attention. Back home, Michelle’s father gets seriously ill. She wants to be there for him, but she cannot be there right now.
When people have too much stress for a long time it will show: It shows in their physical health, it shows in their wellbeing, it definitely shows in their relationship and also in their work performance. Marc suffers from a disturbed sleep, he has a short fuse with the children and in his rare free time he works out in order to stay fit. Michelle misses her work she had left in order to join Marc abroad. She misses her family, her friends and… she misses Marc! She finds it increasingly difficult to compromise, being understanding and accepting. She gets irritated, blames Marc for not being at home enough and not really being interested in questions of the household and the children. Her desire to make love has dropped dramatically and when they make love it is not that great.
Are you a couple living in a foreign country because of a work assignment? Or are you preparing to live abroad? That is great! It is a unique opportunity to experience yourself in a different culture with a different language, different rules, norms, values, a different countryside and different climate and foremost with new colleagues and people who may become dear friends. A wonderful chance to grow as a person, couple and family.
Restoring the emotional bond and love between people is what motivates me since more than 30 years of my professional career. As a psychologist and relationship coach for couples, especially for couples with great responsibilities at work and at home, I use my extensive experience and expertise to get to know you as a person, your needs and dreams and to help them come true. I am very interested in what motivates you both when it comes to your relationship with your partner/spouse and how to make success and significance in your life happen. Together we work on understanding each other much better, on improving your communication, strengthening your love and connection and revitalizing your intimacy.
After my 5 corporate international jobs since 1975, I founded MindPower in 1992 and since then I focus as an executive coach on the crucial importance of human relationships for the success of the business and the family at home. During my life journey I came to understand better and better that success in business always starts with the way you and me treat and manage ourselves plus the most important relationships in our lives. Working together with my spouse Ingeborg Weser gives an impactful boost to the private and professional lives of the people we are grateful to serve. I am also available for coaching sessions on business issues.
Yes, there is a lot of support for ExPat to help with practicalities, and that is great. However, it shows every time that attention for the private relationship and emotional wellbeing of the ExPat couple is very much needed as well. And the positive reward will be shown in all areas of life, and most definitely in the creative and productive contribution at work.